The World's Temperatures in 2018

Most of the time, we see weather data gatehred from dense networks of weather stations, but vast areas of the planet, such as oceans, the polar regions, mountain ranges, and deserts, have few or no weather stations. Yet these areas are often where weather patterns are most interesting! Flip through the temperature maps to see some of these features, such as:

  • How much warmer the North Pole was most of the time compared to the South Pole
  • In Southern India, summer brought cooler weather thanks to the monsoon
  • The winter was remarkably mild in the waters off northern Scandanavia (thanks to the Gulf Stream)

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The maps and data are courtesy of the Copernicus Climate Change service.

The data is freely available (with a registered account) through the

Climata Data Store Toolbox. The Toolbox includes a (beta) Python API that lets you generate images, download files, and more with customized data processing.

A special thanks to all the scientists and developers whose hard work has made amazing visualizations like these available to the public!

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Last updated 05-08-2019 by Andrew Guenthner. Released under the MIT Open Source License