Weather Anomalies -- the News-Makers!

Click through the images below to see temperature, precipitation, wind, and cloudiness anomalies through 2018. Some highlights for each month are given below.

feb temp anomaly
Departure from Normal
feb precip anomaly
Relative to Normal
feb wind anomaly
Departure from Normal
feb cloud anomaly
Cloud Cover
Departure from Normal

Highlights ...

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The maps and data are courtesy of the Copernicus Climate Change service.

The data is freely available (with a registered account) through the

Climata Data Store Toolbox. The Toolbox includes a (beta) Python API that lets you generate images, download files, and more with customized data processing.

A special thanks to all the scientists and developers whose hard work has made amazing visualizations like these available to the public!

Try it now!
Last updated 05-08-2019 by Andrew Guenthner. Released under the MIT Open Source License