A Global View from an Overlooked Source
January 2018 was hot in Australia and cold in Siberia

Explore this site to learn about the world's weather from a uniquely powerful data source you may never have encountered before. Every day forecasters compute reanalyses of the world's weather. Reanalyses typically take multiple sources of experimental data and combine them into a consistent and coherent picture of what happened. Creating a clear picture of the recent past is the first step in making a valuable forecast of the future. A side benefit for data scientists is that reanalysis also provides beautiful data sets that let us visualize things like the weather in ways that are not possible otherwise.

See for yourself

See the anomanlies in temperature, precipitation, wind, and clouds mapped by month, with interesting weather news items for each month

January temp anomaly
January precip anomaly
January wind anomaly
January cloud anomaly

View Highlights
thank you

This site wouldn't be possible without some amazing tools developed by many people.

The weather maps shown on this site were generated using Copernicus Climate Change Service information from 2019. The data contains re-formatted Copernicus Climate Change Service information from 2019. Neither the European Commission nor EWCMF is responsible for any use that may be made of this information.

The temperature and wind data are derived from the ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1979 to present .

The data is freely available (with a registered account) through the Climata Data Store Toolbox. The Toolbox includes a (beta) Python API that lets you generate images, download files, and more with customized data processing.

The city names are courtesy of the GeoNames.org web site, a great resource for free geodata.

The tables are made possible by Derek Eder's awesome CSS to HTML converter.

A special thanks to all the scientists and developers whose hard work has made amazing visualizations like these available to the public!

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Interactive Data Tool

List the 10 sunniest spots in Canada in December 2018, find the percentage of normal precipitation for your location, and more with these amazing city- and country-referenced, searchable, sortable, interactive data tables generated from the gridded data. You can download the data too in .csv format, for easy access to 3-degree gridded data, without the fuss of an API.

Try it Now!
Last updated 05-08-2019 by Andrew Guenthner. Released under the MIT Open Source License