Hover over a circle on the map to identify a metropolitan area by name. Click on the circle to show the area's 2011-2017 health indicators. On each graph, you can click on a data point to make a comparison by metro area appear on the map. You can also click on "compare trends" to see the trend type for each metro area.

Health Indicators by Metro Area

Select a circle on the map
to show data for a metropolitan area.
Select a circle on the map
to show data for a metropolitan area.
Select a circle on the map
to show data for a metropolitan area.
Select a circle on the map
to show data for a metropolitan area.
Select a circle on the map
to show data for a metropolitan area.
Last updated 06-20-2019 by Andrew Guenthner. Released under the MIT Open Source License, with some elements governed by specific licenses. Please consult the project documentation on Github for details.